Why Us
Empowering a Digital Future: Innovative e-Governance & IT Solutions for a Connected World.
Citizen Services
Citizen Services at Common Service Centers (CSC) / Meeseva Centers
One stop shop for Citizen Services - Common Service Centers (Meeseva Centers) https://meeseva.net
As a Service Center Agency (SCA) for CSC, Sreeven will be the prime driver of the CSC system in its designated districts. Sreeven has enabled nearly 550 Citizen Service Centers in 3 districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. These centers are also called as Meeseva Centers Village Level Entreprenuers(VLEs) are provided with state of the art secured Citizen Services portal https://meeseva.net for service delivery. Plethora of services in G2C, B2C are provided for citizens who can avail the services in their nearest center.

India’s First ever Aadhaar based Smart PDS solution!
Being first enrolment agency to start enrolments in India and on performance in FP(Fair Price) Smart PDS Pilot project, Sreeven was also awarded with prestigious, first of its kind Aadhaar based Smart PDS.
Smart ration card with Aadhaar numbers are issued to beneficiaries of Kothapalem, Renigunta mandal in Chittoor district. Every Aadhaar based household card (smart ration card) bears Aadhaar number, demographic and biometric details of each family members with a thumbnail photograph of every person in the family.
Smart ration cards are activated to make transactions at FP shop with a hand-held PoS terminal. Live transactions with biometric validations through smartcard are initiated from the month of October, 2010
Entire Mandal of Maheshwaram, RangaReddy District in AP (now Telangana) is also awarded to Sreeven as a pilot. After upgrading all Fair price shops with POS devices and all beneficiaries with Aadhaar based Smart Ration Cards, it was studied as one of the successful technology implementation where there were savings of atleast 20% for the Civil Supplies Department. It was one of the most sought out implementation and dignitaries from various state governments across the country had visited Maheswaram mandal to study the implementation and its benefits to replicate in their respective states.